See Beauty | A Spiritual Practice

Krista Tippett of On Being* speaks of the generative story, seeing
and naming the good, the movement towards wholeness and
healing. At such a time as this when we seem to be swirling in the
negative, the painful and broken, it takes effort and intentionality to
and declare it beautiful, it requires more effort, more seeing to look
at an ordinary leaf and see the beauty of its existence. When we move
at a slower pace, when we practice the pause and become fully present
to where we are and to what is unfolding around and within us, we
experience this beauty. When we name it we give and receive its
energy and that energy heals us and those we carry.


Each day look for something beautiful in the ordinary - a cloud formation,
a spider web, falling leaves. Notice it, spend a moment in its presence,
declare its beauty. Do this daily for a week, or a month; let the practice
sink into your rhythm.

If you are inclined, take a picture and share it with someone. Don’t explain,
just a picture of a beautiful thing you experienced. Over time you will have
a collection of photos to remind you of the beauty and goodness that lives
around us when we look for it.

* On Being with Krista TIppett is an award winning podcast available on Spotify and other platforms.

